Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork
Psychosomatic health-building and personal development
Every psychological experience is embodied by default. It is integrated into the body either as relaxation or as a tightening of the musculo-connective fibres that are biologically pre-programmed to correlate with each specific emotional expression. Positive emotions are relaxing related connective fibres, prompting them towards ease and healthy function. Negative emotions, on the other hand, always convert into spasms and tension of correlated parts of the musculo-connective system, priming local physiological and metabolic processes towards a lack of ease, dis-ease and diseases. This is how denied negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs are transformed into structurally coded body language. Each one of us possesses such a uniquely personalised, yet very predictable pattern of corporal rigidification – a personal tissues’ library that records all unprocessed and poorly processed experiences. The informational energy of these tissues’ memories governs and shapes the body either towards health – or towards pathological development. The latter describes the essence of any psychosomatic disease.
Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork (BPSB) is an authentic holistic methodology developed by Dr Tatyana Bosh MD. It serves to detect and release structural restrictions and resistances in the body, such as skeletal misalignments, poor joint mobility, muscular spasms, fascial restrictions, neural entrapments, spasms of visceral membranes, stagnation of the lymph, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) or venous stasis, as well as bioenergetic blockages. Since those corporal restrictions represent somatic equivalents of unprocessed experiences, Psychosomatic Bodywork also prompts psychotherapeutic resolutions.
Although proactively involved in releasing both physical and psychological restrictions and limitation, the main therapeutic objective of BPSB is not to cure a disease – but to strengthen its specifically weakened aspects of health and innate health resources. In this way Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork activates a patient’s self-regulatory somato-psychic process that Hippocrates referred to as the ‘Vis medicatrix Naturae’, more commonly known as our personal, inherent healing power.
BPSB: Integration of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methodologies; Preventive and Curative Medicine; Physical and Psychological Therapeutic Approaches; Eastern and Western Medicine; Ancient and Contemporary Therapies; Medical Sciences and the Art of Medicine;
BPSB integrates a variety of massage and bodywork techniques into one integral manual therapy, which is applicable on different therapeutic levels: from profound curative possibilities and medical prevention – to stress release and induction of deep relaxation.
BPSB brings together postural, structural, psychological and energetic medical interventions to help release and balance an individual’s specific physical and psychological tension, restrictions, stasis and compressions present. It integrates elements of Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Bioenergetics, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Biofeedback, Craniosacral therapy, Kinesiology, Iridology; as well as Psychosomatic medicine, Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), EFT, Aromatherapy, Colour and Music therapy. All these therapeutic disciplines are integrated in accordance with the bioregulatory therapeutic process for the reversal of pathological psychosomatisation back to optimal health.
The prime objective of BPSB is to strengthen weakened aspects of vitality and synchronise correlated aspects of one’s soma and psyche. Since BPSB diagnoses and therapeutically treats bodily fluids, soft and hard tissues, as well as psychological and bioenergetic phenomena – Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork represents a fully integrated diagnostic and therapeutic methodology for the body-mind-continuum.
BPSB: Psycho-Somatic Bioregulation
Like any form of therapeutic bodywork, BPSB is the art of listening and facilitating. Listening implies acknowledgement and understanding of subtle phenomena, such as movements, patterns, rhythms, pulsations, sensations; and tendencies to congestion, spasms and resistances. Facilitation means assisting a patient’s body and mind to release resistances and blockages present within bioenergetic networks, fluids, tissues or visceral organs; allowing suppressed emotions and feelings to emerge, new insights to become acknowledged, and positive perceptions to arise.
Bioregulation of different anatomical structures and physiological functions requires different manual techniques. Each one is specific for different tissues or bodily parts, hence requires a different quality of therapeutic touch. The therapeutic touch for bioregulation of energetically excessive or deficient locations – has to match either a sedating or tonifying therapeutic impact on the flow of bioenergy. Manual approach for circulating fluids, e.g. blood, lymph or cerebrospinal fluid is adjusted to their fluctuations, which is experienced as a subtle swelling and receding phenomena. Resistances to normal fascial glide and membranous restrictions are palpated as micro-movements with a distinctive recoiling sensation. Other manual techniques are used for the regulation of muscular and ligamentous hyper or hypo tonicity, such as: kneading, friction or traction; while bony structures call for interventions of an osteopathic or chiropractic nature. For treatments of skeletal misalignments, BPSB tends to avoid manipulations involving high velocity and low amplitude thrusts, characteristic of most chiropractic and some osteopathic manipulative techniques, and prefers more gentle methodologies instead, such as craniosacral therapy.
Manual bioregulation of the ‘biological terrain’ often triggers a resurgence of unprocessed experiences, previously captured and structured there. When suppressed ‘emotional pollution’ begins to de-somatise and to ‘surface back to experience’- the bioregulatory psychosomatic approach shifts from mainly physical and manual work towards psychotherapeutic methodologies for emotional release and techniques for cognitive reintegration. This part of BPSB is referred to as Somato-emotional Release.
BPSB: Activation of Inherent Healing Capacity and De-somatisation via Somato-Emotional Release Technique
Somato-emotional release (SER) is the core process that restores health. It is a therapeutically prompted inherent healing process, a cathartic homeostatic rebalance in psychosomatic action. The essence of SER is a de-somatisation process – the conversion of matter into energy; a shift from potential energy trapped in physical hypertonicity, to the kinetic energy of motion, heat, emotion or insight. SER could be easily described as a cathartic spontaneous remission in action – except that it is no longer spontaneously manifested, but therapeutically induced.
Somatic release (SR) typically manifests as an energetic or mechanical phenomenon. The energetic release is usually experienced as a local experience of heat, coldness or pulsations. Mechanical release tends to be expressed as tonic and clonic muscular responses, which are automatic and effortless movements of various parts of the body, such as: shivering, tics, restless legs, sighing, coughing, yawning, burping, hiccupping or other similar autonomic homeostatic responses.
Emotional release (ER) manifests as the re-experience of emotions, previously suppressed and embodied; where a person may suddenly have the impulse to cry, laugh, scream, shout or become overwhelmed by fears.
Although seemingly unpleasant, Somato-emotional release is a very transcendental, inspirational and a liberating experience – a triumph over one’s physical and psychological limitations, leading towards restoration of optimal health.
BPSB: Reintegration towards a Higher Level of Psychophysical Integrity
The process of Somato-Emotional Release usually starts on a physical level and ends with increased personal awareness and improved psychological processing. After successful Somato-Emotional Release, the original traumatic experience remains in cognitive memory, but loses its excessive emotional charge, since SER facilitates a psychological resolution to take place. The old trauma becomes a new opportunity, and old conflicts get realised in a more meaningful and bio-economically viable way. By facilitating the resolution of denied and incorporated experiences, Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork prompts patients towards a higher level of psychosomatic integrity, and towards discovering a new sense of personal freedom.
Testimonials and Publications
“…Thank you so much for the session on Wednesday. I feel as if my body has received a new battery and I am recharged. Remarkable! You really have great skills and expertise. Thank you again. Tony”
‘…The human organism is a hierarchically structured multidimensional system of living energy and matter. Since it functions as an integrated whole, a disruption or resistance that arises within its physical, psychological or energetic reality has immediate repercussions on all aspects of the human living system. Each of those biological realities is equally important for therapeutic intervention and equally capable of facilitating one’s overall psychophysical integrity. In other words, restoring optimal health implies understanding of intricate correlations and biofeedback loops between body, mind and bioenergy. This calls for an interdisciplinary therapeutic approach that transcends medical politics and divisions into different therapies, methodologies, and modalities. BPSB brings together structural, psychological and energetic medical interventions to help in releasing and balancing an individual‘s specific pattern of tension, restriction and disharmony. By facilitating the processing of denied and incorporated experiences, BPSB primes patients toward a higher level of psychosomatic integrity and discovering a new sense of personal freedom.’ – Published in the American medical journal Townsend Letter in 2014 as ‘Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork: Generating Health via the Body’s Own Communication System’ – read more…
Guidelines for Your Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork
All bioregulatory treatments are based on your active participation during and in between therapeutic sessions. A Bioregulatory Self-Assessment Form should be completed and signed prior to your bioregulatory treatment. Please make sure to switch off your mobile phone or pager and to remove any watches, jewellery, glasses, contact lenses, and hair accessories prior to each treatment and… please read all guidelines here, before your first appointment .
What to Expect…
Due to the authenticity of Bioregulatory Medicine, please make sure to read Bioregulatory Therapeutic Process before your first appointment. Note that it is very important to timely synchronise your expectations with this new and different medical approach, assessment and treatment.
Courses in Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork
…for more details about Dr Bosh’s courses in Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork see here