Presomatic Syndrome

Precursor of All Acquired Diseases

The term Presomatic Syndrome (PSS) was introduced by Dr Tatyana Bosh, MD to define an early developmental phase of any illness. In other words, PSS describes the common precursor of all acquired diseases. It is the preliminary process of building up resistances and lack of ease in the body and mind when routine medical tests show no signs of discernible diagnosis.

If the sufferers are not timely bioregulated, either spontaneously or therapeutically, they become prime candidates to ‘suddenly’ develop a clinically diagnosable somatic disease – while being completely unaware of it. Unfortunately, and in the majority of cases, their GPs are not aware of this either, as conventional medicine does not educate doctors on how to recognise, approach and treat mild pathological conditions that do not match any already established medical standard. Hence, this most common pathological state, which precedes all acquired diseases – is usually simply overlooked, blamed on stress, hypochondria, oversensitivity or treated by tranquillisers, pain killers and other palliative medications. Yet, the truth is that PSS cannot be cured by means of pharmaceutical drugs, as it calls for a homeostatic rebalance by means of psychosomatic bioregulation.

The palliative pharmaceutical approach only suppresses symptoms of Presomatic Syndrome, whilst failing to address its true cause and wastes valuable time – exacerbating pathological metamorphosis of PSS further into manifestation of a variety of clinically manifested diseases. Along with it, the opportunity to prevent, minimise or slow down oncoming somatic diseases passes by, unrecognised and therapeutically neglected.

The relevance of a detailed understanding of PSS as an important preliminary illness-formative process, which represents the psychosomatic preparation for the development of acquired diseases, cannot be emphasised enough. Once PSS is acknowledged by the medical establishment and therapeutically addressed, many diseases would be timely prevented. PSS is the last preventative call, demanding immediate bioregulatory therapeutic measures… press here to read more

PSS: Indication for Bioregulatory Medical Treatment

Bioregulatory Medicine is an integrative homeostatic medicine. It was established and run by conventional physicians experienced in a variety of CAM therapies, who were brave enough to come forward with a scientifically coherent, evidence based, drugless curative and preventative medical approaches.

One of the main objectives of Bioregulatory Medicine is to explain and demonstrate a successful therapeutic modus operandi for the diagnosis and treatment of Presomatic Syndrome. Patients suffering from PSS are re-energised, re-hydrated, re-mineralised and detoxified; their restricted body parts are detected, manually released and restructured for better oxygenation, nourishment, drainage and innervation of the affected parts to take place. Their microbiome is supported and bioregulated and microcirculatory parameters along with pH status are improved. At the same time, patients’ suppressed emotions are recognised, liberated and integrated in a more ‘bio-economically’ viable way, so as to adopt a more positive psychological framework in dealing with strenuous and challenging situations.

This version of a ‘human MOT’ is based on a specific bioregulatory therapeutic methodology referred to as Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork (BPSB). This multifaceted, integrated, holistic and homeostatic therapy is developed by Dr Tatyana Bosh, MD – to heal by means of strengthening weakest aspects of health, as well as to strengthen the existing health further. As such, Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork perfectly meets the need of PSS patients to deliver them back to health.

“Hi Tatyana
I am always so amazed at how incredible you make our sessions. Not only do you manage to get to the places in my body which have to give up “something” but you also get to other places which help me formulate what I need to do and how I need to do it. The words of wisdom you share with me and the inexplicable way you have of just ‘hitting the spot’ mentally – I am not sure how to put it into words, but all I can say is that I left your company with a less aching body, a lighter step and enthusiasm for all the tasks I am undertaking…
Thank you for everything. Lots of love – Ruth xx” (age 80, teacher of Kabbalah)
more testimonials…

PSS Pandemic

Although it would be fair to say that PSS is the most common pathological condition in the world, it is unfortunately rarely successfully treated or therapeutically approached in its totality, both by conventional or alternative practitioners. Facilitated by a stressful lifestyle, Corona narratives, increase in economic, political and environmental challenges – PSS is rapidly spreading, and it is already taking on pandemic proportions.
see PSS brochure…