The Importance of Biomedic

Biomedic is the pioneering clinical and educational platform for the Bioregulatory Health System  – with the mission to establish, practice, teach and further develop a new medical paradigm known as the Bioregulatory Medicine. It offers bioregulatory consultations, assessments and treatments to patients and health-aware individuals, and runs education on Bioregulatory medicine and health building to medical professionals and the general public worldwide.

Biomedic approach brings together medical sciences and the art of healing to provide curative-regenerative, preventative-regenerative and esthetic-regenerative bioregulatory healthcare, as well as a new integrative medical methodology for stress-release and fathering health building and personal development – which Dr Bosh refers to as the Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork.

Biomedic curative, preventative, anti-stress or esthetic therapeutic objectives are essentially all bioregulatory and regenerative therapeutic procedures. Each bioregulation is focused on balancing acquired health weaknesses and on strengthening energetic, metabolic, physiological and psychological self-regulatory mechanisms (homeostasis and allostasis). They only differ in specificity, depth and complexity of the therapeutic approach to related homeostatic or allostatic disturbances. Bioregulation is therefore equally indicated to each patient, as it is indicated to any healthy individual, who strives to further strengthen and upgrade personal health robustness.