Bioregulatory Therapeutic Process
The Bioregulatory therapeutic process is a drug-free and integrative therapeutic process, which incorporates a broad range of conventional and non-conventional therapies. The bioregulatory process was formulated by Dr Tatyana Bosh a Medical Doctor experienced in a variety of alternative and complementary disciplines, in cooperation with Dr Damir Shakambet; in their London based Biomedic clinic. Dr Bosh was practising and refining bioregulation there for over 25 years, and since 2022 continues doing so from the Hale Clinic in Harley Street. The process aims to facilitate and strengthen patients’ weakened self-corrective mechanisms and optimise affected aspects of their health.
Bioregulatory Medical Assessment
Bioregulatory medical assessment starts with taking a conventional medical history (anamnesis) and assessment (status corporis), as well as evaluation of the allopathic diagnostic tests e.g. laboratory analysis. The bioregulatory medical assessment additionally includes a detailed history of family dynamics, psychological development, emotional issues and stress management. Nutritional and lifestyle analyses follow, often in conjunction with laboratory analysis of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxicities, and an evaluation of the auto-regulatory capacities of a patient. Dr Bosh then examines the posture and evaluates muscular tension, joint mobility, connective tissue pull, the flow of blood, lymphatic and cerebrospinal fluids, and works out the bioenergetic status of each patient.
The aim of bioregulatory medical assessments is to detect individual morbidities and constitutional and acquired weaknesses. These pathological specificities then define the nature of one’s oncoming bioregulatory treatment protocol.
Bioregulatory Treatment
Bioregulatory treatment is a personalised and multifaceted therapeutic process that rehydrates, restores nutritional deficiencies, realigns structural resistances; facilitates general, organ-specific, tissues and cellular detoxification; improves alkalization, oxygenation, innervation and microcirculatory parameters; helps cognitive functioning, emotional and spiritual self-management; rebalances bioenergetic disturbances – and protects from chemical and electromagnetic health disruptors detected in one’s environment. Bioregulatory treatment may also include recommendation of herbs, prescription of homoeopathic remedies and supplementation of required micronutrients.
The aim of each bioregulatory treatment is to bio-regulate detected imbalances and strengthen affected aspects of health. All bioregulatory treatments are essentially regenerative therapeutic procedures, specific for each patient. Their division into curative bioregulatory treatments, preventative bioregulatory treatments and bioregulatory treatments for stress release, health building and personal development vary only on the depth and intensity of the regenerative therapeutic approach. Therefore the number of treatments needed depends primarily on one’s health condition.
As a general reference point, 1-3 curative treatments are usually necessary to achieve therapeutic results for the most common acute pathologies, such as backache or migraine; while chronic health problems tend to be more demanding. Preventative treatments are most frequently taken on monthly bases for several months unless otherwise recommended or preferred. The number and frequency of anti-stress bioregulatory treatments vary according to individual circumstances and preferences.